Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello from Hamilton, Bermuda!

Hey Everyone!!!

I am so thrilled to let you know that we arrived safely in Bermuda about a week ago. We have one more week left here in this beautiful country. I am so excited also......to let y'all know that I did not get seasick during this 4 day voyage!!! Praise the Lord!

After we arrived in Hamilton, I had the rest of the day off, so 2 of my roomies and I went out to explore! This us Juki from Germany and Emily from Michigan! They are awesome! (And so is Rorie from France, even though she wasn't in this picture!!)
This port has been fairly quiet so far, with some nice opportunities to really relax and have some great conversations without feeling rushed!

I had the awesome privilege to worship with Cornerstone Bible Fellowship this past Sunday. It was such a "God-thing"!!! Honestly, this past Saturday night was a little difficult for me, I was just really missing home, and things/people/anything really that was familiar to me. I signed up to attend church this Sunday, and was questioning whether I really wanted to go or not. I decided that it would be a good experience for me, so I went! Boy am I glad I did! It was such a blessing to worship with them. Their Choir sang, "My Help" by Brooklyn Tab Choir. That is definitely what I needed to hear Sunday. I am so thankful for the way God used the song service especially to really help me get my focus back to where it should be.

Today was my E-day, so this morning, I went to the Staff Devotions at Cornerstone. It was a blessing to be able to be apart of that this morning, and just see first hand the heartbeat of the church. After devotions, we went to a little cafe across the street from the church and had breakfast/lunch! :) After we came back to the ship, we were on Deck 4 from 12-3, connecting with visitors. Honestly, today, there were not many visitors at all. I was able to chat with a few people, but not many.

This evening, I had the awesome opportunity to go out and explore the island a little with a local volunteer. Veronica and her husband have lived here in Bermuda for a little over a year. She is taking time these two weeks to volunteer in the book fair. It has been such a blessing to get to know her. Tonight, we went to Horseshoe Bay Beach. It was So beautiful.


Hey everyone! This is a short clip produced by our Communications Department onboard the Logos Hope! This episode is called "Lovin' the Crowd". You can view this on the ship's website: www.omships.org/shipshots

I hope you enjoy seeing just a glimpse of what we experienced in Kingston! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Resurrection Weekend!

Happy Resurrection Weekend!

Hey Everyone! This weekend has been a different weekend for me, but it has been a really good one. This weekend has truly been a weekend of Reflection for me. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, that we don’t really live life in the reality of the Resurrection.

Thursday evening we had prayer night. This week’s prayer night was a special Passover theme. We met in the Hope Theatre and had communion together as a ship’s company. It was such a blessing for me to really meditate on the four cups of the Passover feast.

  • The Cup of Sanctification – based on God’s statement, “I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians”
  • The Cup of Judgment or Deliverance- based on God’s statement, “I will deliver you from slavery to them”
  • The Cup of Redemption – based on God’s statement, “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm”
  • The Cup of Praise or Restoration – based on God’s statement, “I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God”

Friday morning we had a time of reflection. I was so thankful that our schedule for the day was different! We were able to participate in the quiet time on the ship. Devotions started at 8:45, and then from 9:45-11am we had personal quiet time. At 11:00 we met with our ship family for a time of sharing, hanging out, and whatever else each family decided. Our family had a great discussion about a few different scripture passages, and then spent time in prayer together. Let me just say that I am super thankful for my Ship family. Each person adds such a unique and special aspect to the family. (Thanks to my brother Josef, who is from the Faroe Islands, for the pictures!)

Saturday in Devotions, Pastor Chet Lowe, (Calvary Chapel, Ft. Lauderdale) challenged us to examine if we were living in the Saturday before Resurrection Sunday. Am I like the disciples who rejected, refused, and resisted the truth? Am I living life as if Christ is still in the tomb?

I was sleeping VERY well this morning, and contemplated not getting up for a “Son Rise Service” this morning, I am so thankful that I did! I went to Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island for a service that the Adventure Learning Center put on. It was a very nice time of worship, drama, and a message from Pastor Chet. He spoke on Matthew 28:9. A song that I had heard SO much before I left for the ship was “Jesus Messiah”. I think because I had heard it so often, I never really reflected on the words. It had been awhile since I have heard it recently, and we sang it this morning. I challenge you to really think about the lyrics to the songs that you hear so often. They are really good…

We had a super nice breakfast this morning, with all kinds of nice food. The part I enjoyed the most about breakfast was the FRUIT! We had strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, and tangerines! YUMMY!!!!

What an amazing Creator we serve!!!!!

This is Anna and Pippa (steppers from Wales) and Jennifer King from USA! Her family was at my commissioning service! She joined in September, and her sister joined with me in January.

This is actually taken in Kingston, at Fun in the Son. Thanks Koen for the Picture!

Most Sundays after service, people can have Open Cabins. This enables us to visit with the people and get to know others more. I went to the Crowe's Nest today! :)

This is Maddie and Anne (My Shift leader in Accom).

More people in the Crowe's Cabin...that is Jon and Holly standing up! Such a sweet family...too bad they are leaving next month!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome to Cabin 238!!!

WOO HOO! Praise the Lord! He is so good! I loved having several amazing cabin mates in Section B-1, but I have to say, it is such a blessing to have only 3 other cabin mates! I have 3 amazing cabin mates that have been so sweet in welcoming me into their room. Also, all of the D-2 girls have been so welcoming! I even got Origami on my door! :)

This is a picture of my bed! I am now on the top bunk, and it is going really well! Also, It is such a blessing to be able to sit on my bed, read my notes from all of you, and pray for you as well! Thank you for praying for me. Thanks again Allison and Mary Helen (and "Mother") for my beautiful quilt! It is so dear to my heart!

This is a picture of my wall! I love all my pictures and different notes that I have on my wall. It makes me smile! Thank you all for your love and support. God is so good. I am so blessed by each of you.

I pray you each have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday tomorrow! I will post later about my weekend. It has been such a joy to be able to take time this weekend and reflect on what Christ did for us so many years ago. Praise His Holy Name!