Friday, July 16, 2010

What a WONDERFUL time....

Hey everyone!

I wanted to write really quickly so that you don't think that we've dropped off the face of the planet...However, I have pretty much dropped off facebook! :) Haha! I am so thankful to be able to get emails and to be able to receive phone calls while in West Africa!!!!

A brief recap....

On Friday, a week ago, I worked half a day with my roomie, Emily, and then we set off on our adventure! :) We were planning on taking a Tro-Tro to the Airport in Accra, to go pick mom and dad up! :) I think the suspected that I would show up, but i never told them for sure! It was so exciting to finally arrive at the airport, and wait for Mom and Dad! :) While at the airport, we met up with Jimmy and Sylvia again! :) I also met a few people from TN, and LA who are working here in Ghana. We made it back to the ship with all the luggage! Wow...
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for ALL the goodies that y'all sent with mom and dad! I appreciate it so much!! What a blessing y'all are to me. I am so thankful!

On Saturday, I worked in the laundry, and mom and dad helped! We had a great time. It has been fun introducing mom and dad to all my friends here on the ship! It's kinda crazy, the fact that my two homes have collided! :) It's very exciting that mom and dad are here, but at the same time, its weird! :)

On Sunday, we went to church here on the ship, and Jimmy and Sylvia joined us! We had a great time of fellowship, and then had lunch with them. Sunday afternoon, we walked around Tema a little bit.

On Monday and Tuesday we worked, then Wednesday, was really exciting! Mom, Dad, Isabel and I traveled 2 hours each way to Rosewood School. It was an awesome time with the kids. We did the Ship Presentation, sang songs, shared the gospel, and played games with the kids. Surprisingly, the kids had prepared some poems and songs to share with us as well. It was such a blessing!

Please be praying for Dad...He isn't feeling the greatest. We will have another E-day on Sunday! I am sooo excited---We will be going to a Deaf Church with Jessica, my big sister. :) Woo Hoo!

I will try to post more, but as always, email and phone is the most reliable form of communication with us.

We are praying for everyone at MVBC, and Barry Smith and family. Praying that God's grace and peace will be an overwhelming comfort in these hard days.

Have a great evening! :) I am so thankful for y'all!

For His Glory and Renown,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hello from Tema Ghana!

Hey Everyone!!!

Alot has happened since I last posted on my blog! Sorry about that! :)

Since the last time I posted, we have spent about 2 weeks or so in Sierra Leone, sailed 5 days to Tema, Ghana, and have been here for 3 days!!
I had some really great conversations with people in Sierra Leone. We saw many people come to know Jesus in a personal way, it was AWESOME!!! I had 2 e-days while we were in Freetown, one was going to different sites around the town and sharing our testimonies and praying with people, then other, was on deck 4! Here are two pictures from both of them! This was a picture taken as we were sailing out of Sierra Leone!

Since then, I had a visit with Uncle Andy Norman, here on the ship in Tema, Ghana! :) That was such a blessing to meet 3 others who live here in Ghana, and are faithfully serving the Lord here! We had a great time of exploring the ship, and I had the privilege of sharing more about what the Ship is all about! :)

What is amazing, is that I get to show 2 more people around the ship on FRIDAY!!!! I am so excited, mom and dad will be coming to experience ship life for a couple weeks, and to minister to and with the crew here! Daddy will be speaking in devotions a couple of times, and they will be working in different departments! Please pray for safe arrival and everything to go smoothly! :)

I hope y'all have an amazing day! Please email me if there is any way that I can be praying for you more specifically! I thank Jesus for you daily!

For His Glory and Renown,