Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hello from Roseau, Dominica!

Hey Everyone!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for those of you that prayed for me while I was away from the ship on the Challenge Team! It was an AMAZING time of growth, challenge, learning, fun, excitement, building relationships, and SO many other things! :)

I cannot believe this, but the Logos Hope is open for ONE MORE DAY in Dominica.....and only ONE MORE DAY in the Caribbean! We will be sailing to West Africa on Monday!

Please pray for smooth seas, and an amazing time of fellowship and growth as a community, and as individuals!

Be watching you mailboxes, there will be a summary from my first 5 months....coming to a mailbox near you! :) Haha! (Don't hold your breath though, because I am not so sure as to how soon you will get it!)

(This picture is actually from St. Kitts!) I was going for a walk one morning in St. Kitts, and I was kidnapped by some AMAZING Asians!!! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goodbye Antigua, Hello St. Kitts!

Hey Everyone! I am so ashamed to say that I did not post one blog from Antigua! We had a fantastic 2 weeks there in St. Johns. We left Antigua around Midnight on the 12th and arrived in Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis around 6:30 am Thursday(13th).

The city of Basseterre skirts a 2-mile bay on the southwestern shore of St. Kitts, Basseterre Bay. The city lies within the large Basseterre Valley, Almost completely surrounded by lust green hills and mountains. (wikipedia)